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Cara Menggunakan Maknyus Ayam Goreng Crispy & Juicy

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ayam Goreng Crispy & Juicy. Ayam Goreng Kremes - Fried Chicken with Crispy Spiced Flakes. Heat a pot of oil for deep frying. Once the oil is hot, fry the chicken until golden brown.

Ayam Goreng Crispy & Juicy The first and most important step in cooking Crispy Spiced Fried Chicken (Ayam Goreng Berempah) is marinating the chicken pieces with fresh grounded spices. The fresher the spices, the better the taste of the this spiced fried chicken. Also, be sure to cut the chicken into large pieces. Kamu Dapat Memasak Ayam Goreng Crispy & Juicy Menggunakan 9 Bahan dan 3 Langkah. Silahkan Cek Sebagai berikut:.

Bahan-Bahan Ayam Goreng Crispy & Juicy

  1. Anda Menyiapkan 1 kg of ayam potong jadi 12.
  2. Anda memerlukan 2 sdm of air.
  3. Anda memerlukan 9 sdm of tapioka.
  4. Anda Menyiapkan 2 sdm of cuka beras / 1 sdm cuka makan.
  5. Anda memerlukan 8 siung of bawang putih, haluskan.
  6. Anda Menyiapkan 2 sdm of kaldu bubuk.
  7. Anda Menyiapkan 1/2 sdm of garam.
  8. Anda Menyiapkan of Pelengkap :.
  9. Anda Menyiapkan of Sambal tomat (lihat resep).

Large cuts of chicken help to keep the meat moist inside. Malaysia's answer to fried chicken, Ayam Goreng Berempah packs a whole lot of flavor in each bite. What makes this dish extra special is the crunchy crumbs that come along with it. Sprinkled generously over the fried chicken, these crumbs are made with the leftover spice blend used to marinate the meat.


Petunjuk Memasak Ayam Goreng Crispy & Juicy

  1. Dalam wadah : Masukkan semua bahan, lalu aduk rata pakai tangan sampai semua tercampur rata. Aduk berulang sampai daging ayamnya terlapisi sama tepung dan bumbu. Marinasi (diamkan) min. 1 jam disuhu ruang, lebih lama lebih enak, bumbu makin meresap. Aku marinasi selama 2 jam. Note : kalo disimpan lama / semalaman bisa taruh dikulkas ya..
  2. Panaskan minyak agak banyak, lalu goreng ayam sampai matang. Sajikan dgn nasi anget..
  3. Jangan lupa sambal tomatnya. Klo mau liat resep sambal bawang bisa klik disini ➡️ (lihat resep).

Infused with an fragrant mix of herbs and spices, this crispy fried chicken can be. Ayam goreng can be a meal by itself or be part of the array of choices for nasi kandar (rice served with curry, meat, and fried chicken). It tastes lovely even after half a day, but of course, best when it is still crispy. Ni boleh ikut la sesuai selera nak perap macam mana. Akak tak perap sebab ayam ni untuk anak je ha.

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