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Resep Nikmat Fried Chicken Steak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Fried Chicken Steak. Stir together the baking powder, baking soda, pepper, and salt in a separate shallow bowl; stir in the buttermilk, egg, Tabasco Sauce, and garlic. Carefully drain oil but reserve the browned bits in the bottom of the skillet along with a couple tablespoons of the oil. Season each piece on both sides with the salt and pepper.

Fried Chicken Steak A key step is starting with meat that has been patted dry. Then, dredge the chicken as the recipe directs, shaking off any excess — first in the milk mixture and then the seasoned flour. Letting the meat stand after dredging also helps the coating adhere. Kamu Dapat Memasak Fried Chicken Steak Menggunakan 20 Bahan dan 5 Langkah. Silahkan Cek Dibawah ini:.

Bahan-Bahan Fried Chicken Steak

  1. Anda memerlukan of Ayam Bagian Dada.
  2. Anda Menyiapkan of Kentang.
  3. Anda memerlukan of jagung ukuran sedang.
  4. Anda Menyiapkan of Wortel ukuran sedang.
  5. Anda Menyiapkan of Buncis.
  6. Anda memerlukan of telur.
  7. Anda memerlukan of Merica bubuk.
  8. Anda Menyiapkan of Bawang putih.
  9. Anda memerlukan of Garam.
  10. Anda Menyiapkan of Tepung tapioka / Tepung Maizena.
  11. Anda memerlukan of Air.
  12. Anda Menyiapkan of Sauce.
  13. Anda memerlukan of Saus barbeque (saya pakai delmonte).
  14. Anda memerlukan of Saus Sambal.
  15. Anda Menyiapkan of Mayonais (optional).
  16. Anda memerlukan of Kecap, Gula, Garam, Kaldu bubuk, Merica bubuk.
  17. Anda Menyiapkan of Bawang Bombay.
  18. Anda memerlukan of Bawang putih.
  19. Anda Menyiapkan of Tomat.
  20. Anda Menyiapkan of Tepung Maizena / tapioka.

Chicken-fried or country-fried steak is enjoyed everywhere in the U. S., but especially in the Southern and Southwestern states. It is usually made with round steak, tenderized then dipped in an egg and milk mixture, then dredged in seasoned flour or breadcrumbs. The coated steak is then fried in hot fat until the coating is crispy and browned, much like fried chicken.


Langkah-Langkah Memasak Fried Chicken Steak

  1. Kupas kentang, kemudian potong memanjang, cuci bersih dan goreng hingga kuning keemasan.
  2. Wortel, Jagung, dan buncis potong kecil kecil, cuci lalu kukus 15 menit.
  3. Ayam difillet tipis tipis jadi beberapa bagian, lumuri dengan bawang putih, Merica dan garam yang sudah dihaluskan, masukkan ke telur yang sudah dikocok, lalu lumuri tepung tapioka, lakukan 2x dengan dicubit cubit biar tepung menempel, kemudian goreng Hingga kuning keemasan.
  4. Tumis bawang putih yang sudah dicincang, tambahkan bawang Bombay dan tomat, masukkan air 300ml, masukkan saus bbq, saus Sambal, kecap, Gula pasir, Penyedap rasa dan garam, koreksi rasa, tunggu sampai meletup letup, tambahkan tepung 1sdm Maizena yg sudah dilarutkan dgn 5sdm air, lalu aduk sampai tekstur nya mengental.
  5. Fried Chicken Steak siap disajikan, karena ga punya Hot plate jadi disajikan di piring biasa 😅.

Chicken fried steak is made most often with cube steak, or steak that has already been tenderized, or a cheap cut like round steak. It was originally created to make a cheap cut of meat taste better. No matter which cut you use, you have to pound it thin with a meat mallet. Chicken fried steak is special for a few reasons. One of those reasons is the cut of the meat.


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